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VOE Practicum in Business

Vocational Office Education or more commonly known as VOE, is in essence a lab or practicum. Practicum in Business Management is designed to give students supervised practical application of previously studied knowledge and skills. Practicum experiences occur in a paid arrangement within the school district parameters. Students implement personal and interpersonal skills to strengthen individual performance in the workplace and in society and to make a successful transition to the workforce or postsecondary education. Students apply technical skills to address business applications of emerging technologies.

The current plan for this program is to ensure that students become certifiable in the Microsoft office suite with a concentration as a Micro-Soft WORD specialist.



My name is Gretchen Buchanan and I am a graduate of the University of Houston, where I earned a Bachelors’ of Science degree in Distributive Business Education.  I am a certified teacher and have been employed with PAISD since December of 2003.



VOE Practicum in Business

TEKS Student Expectations 130.143. (c) Knowledge and Skills
(2) The student identifies and implements employability skills to gain a position in a company.
      (H) The student is expected to identify and rank tangible and intangible rewards of work
(3) The student demonstrates professional standards as required by business and industry.
      (A) The student is expected to adhere to policies and procedures
      (B) The student is expected to demonstrate positive work behaviors and attitudes, including punctuality, time-         management, initiative, and cooperation
      (C) The student is expected to apply ethical reasoning to a variety of situations in order to make ethical decisions
      (D) The student is expected to complete tasks with the highest standards to ensure quality products and services
(4) The student develops and demonstrates skills for success in the workplace.
      (A) The student is expected to explain the importance of and model appropriate dress, hygiene, and demeanor for the     work assignment
      (B) The student is expected to exhibit productive work habits and attitudes, including accepting constructive criticism
      (C) The student is expected to prioritize work to fulfill responsibilities, meet deadlines, and complete tasks with the highest standards to ensure quality products and services.